A dose for your mind

A DOSE FOR YOUR MIND According to a study, about 800,000 people die by suicide worldwide every year. 139,123 Indians committed suicide in 2019 and the national suicide rate was 10.4 (calculated per lakh of population). WHO has declared sucide as being a serious health issue in India. The question here is why? How can a person end there own life? Do things get so tough that death seems the only solution? Or do we just get engaged in our work lives so much that ignore all the little happiness life gives us daily. You yourself might have come across a time wherein you felt lost in life, thank God that you had the courage and will to declutter that mess and continue on your path. Our conditioning from the very start is such that it might feel obvious to get exhausted at some point in life, right from the beginning we try to stand on societies expectations, be it in academics, lifestyle, fashion, carrier,family. We work hard to reach the mark set by the society, or to overcome ...